Rava Kesari Recipe (Kesari Bath)

Rava Kesari is the traditional South Indian dessert that mixes sugar, semolina Ghee, raisins, and nuts. In this article, I will show you how to prepare a silky sweet, tasty, aromatic, and fluffy kesari. Also called Kesari bath, this sweet treat takes just 25 minutes to prepare. It can be made in a matter of minutes. It is an absolute crowd-pleaser with just pantry ingredients. It’s the perfect dessert to serve at any time, such as a party and celebration or weekend breakfast with the family.

Rava Kesari Recipe (Kesari Bath)

In India, there are numerous types of halwa. They comprise the Indian pudding, and rava Kesari is among them. The semolina-based dessert is prepared in many areas across India. The recipe can vary from one region to another. The recipe I’ve provided in this post is a specific recipe for South India.

About Rava Kesari

Rava Kesari is a sweet and delicious dish made from South Indian cuisine. “Rava” is a South Indian term for “semolina,” and “Kesari” is an Indian word meaning “orange or saffron color” and is the main ingredient of this recipe. Rava Kesari literally translates to “semolina that’s been prepared with orange color.”

In the making of rava Kesari, artificial color is used to give the sweet a bright orange color. Most often, it is a liquid or powder that is used. It is, however, possible to change with saffron-colored strands, similar to my example. If you can’t find any saffron in your garden, use the natural color of food.

It is a common item in South Indian households & even in temples to bless the Hindu gods or goddesses at Pooja and festivals, as well as holy days such as Ganesh Chaturthi, Navratri, Krishna Ashtami, etc.

Most of us consume rava kesari for breakfast or dessert after meals. The dish is frequently prepared every other time since it’s quick and straightforward.

The dessert is also referred to by the name of Kesari (or Kesari baths in Karnataka). The dish is among the most popular dishes served at tiffin centers in Karnataka, a Southern Indian State. The dish is available in all meal platters and on breakfast plates as well.

Chow chow bath is just one platter on which khara baths and Kesari baths are served alongside coconut chutney made of coriander.

Sheera, also known as Suji Halwa, is a different dessert with a flavor similar to rava Kesari but without any saffron or orange coloring. The dish is suji, the halwa of North India, and as sheera in Karnataka and Maharashtra.

How To Make Rava Kesari?

Rava Kesari Recipe (Kesari Bath)

  1. 2. Tablespoons of Ghee over the bottom of a large pot. Break open 12 cashew nuts and wash them. Bake them until they are lightly golden.
  2. Mix in 12 raisins, and cook until they begin to become to be plump. Take them off to a plate.
  3. After that, pour 1 cup of rava. Mix thoroughly to make sure that the rava is coated in Ghee.
  4. Start roasting the rava at a slow to medium temperature until crispy and mildly fragrant. Make sure you don’t overcook it.
  5. As the semolina gets cooked while it is roasting, bring 2 1/2 cups of water to the point of boiling in a pan. It is also possible to use milk or a mixture of the two. Kesari baths are typically constructed with water and not made with milk.

Integrate water and the rava

  1. Once the water is boiling, slowly pour it into the rava through sprinkling. You are continuously stirring with your other hand. Be sure that the flame is low at this point.
  2. There shouldn’t be any lumps.
  3. Keep stirring until the water has been absorbed fully.
  4. Turn down the flame, and cook the food covered for between 2 and 3 minutes.
  5. Incorporate 3/4-1/2 cup sugar into a bowl and mix. I prefer 1 cup. You can add less if you like a sweeter, less sweet version. Sugar melts, making the mixture sticky. Continue cooking until the water evaporates completely.
  6. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of cardamom and Kesari powder. I added 2 pinches of Saffron soaked in 2 tablespoons of hot water. If you do not own the Kesari you need, leave it out.
  7. Add 3 to 4 Tbsp of grated. I made use of 3 tablespoons.
  8. Mix thoroughly and then continue cooking until the sauce is completely removed from the pan. Cook in a covered pan for about 2 minutes. It’s up to you.

Serve rava kesari garnished with raisins and nuts. As it cools, you can fluff it with the help of a fork.

If you wish to serve it as you would in restaurants, add the Kesari into a greased bowl and gently press it down (without the pressure) with an empty spoon. Transfer it to a serving dish and shake it off lightly.

Pro Tips

Properties: What’s important to create the most delicious rava kesari recipe is to have the correct proportion of rava, water, and Ghee. The ratios used in this recipe produce silky, soft, and fluffy kesari that’s not overly oily. For every 1 cup of rava, make sure you use 2.5 cups of water. If you prefer a soft and moist Kesari that melts in your mouth, use 3 cups of water, a cup of Ghee, and one and a half teaspoons of sugar. This is the one that is suitable for special occasions as well as special events.

Making rava roast in the Ghee until a little crunchy and aromatic is vital. It is best to burn on a lower flame to ensure that semolina doesn’t discolor but becomes crisp. Roasted rava that is well-roasted will make the Kesari soft and not get sticky.

Stirring: Stirring regularly while pouring the water into the rava is essential to avoid lumps.

Hot water: It is important to ensure that you have hot water before pouring it onto the rava. Be sure that the temperature is low or medium to prevent spills.

Ingredients & substitutes

Rava or semolina: Rava Kesari is made using fine semolina, which is also known as Bombay Rava. Many households these times use gold fine-grain rava made of wheat or bansi rava for this. The taste of the one created with whole wheat rava can be distinguished from semolina. If you prefer using the full-grain version of rava, you can use 3 cups of water.

Liquid: In this article, I’ve used water for cooking semolina. It is possible to substitute water for milk. I like using the milk with half of the water. By using only milk, you make the dessert heavy and sweet.

Sweetener: Sugar is the popular sweetener that is used for this dish. Although jaggery is a possibility, in Kesari, the flavor and shade of the Kesari may not be as good as jaggery. My family doesn’t enjoy jaggery in Kesari.

Ingredients (Us Cup = 240ml )

  • 1 cup of semolina, or fine rava
  •  3/4-1/2 cup of sugar (prefer organic)
  •  2 1/2 cups of water or milk (refer to the notes)
  •  1/4 teaspoon of cardamom powder Elaichi powder
  •  2 pinches natural kesari color or saffron strands
  •  5-6 tablespoons Ghee and clarified butter (I made 5 tbsps)
  •  12 Cashews (use when required)
  •  12 raisins (use according to the need)

Cooking Steps & Instructions

  • Heat 2 tbsp of Ghee in the microwave at the bottom of a large pot. Cook cashews till they are lightly golden.
  • After that, add the raisins and fry until they begin to swell. Transfer to a plate, and put aside.
  • Add the Ghee to the rava. Fry at a medium to low temperature until fragrant and crisp.
  • Don’t brown or color the rava, as the smell of the rava kesari may be altered.
  • As the rava gets cooked, add water in a separate pot and let it boil.

How to Make Rava Kesari?

  • If the water is hot enough to boil, slowly add it to the rava while constantly stirring it to avoid lumps.
  • The water will absorb by the semolina shortly. Make sure to stir it constantly and that there aren’t any lumps.
  • Once you can see that there’s no excess water left in the pan, close it and cook it on extremely low heat for between 2 and 3 minutes. This is to ensure the rava has cooked thoroughly and becomes fluffy.
  • Mix in sugar, then mix it well. The sugar will disintegrate, and the entire rava-kesari mix will turn gooey.
  • Continue stirring until the sauce thickens and the water has evaporated.
  • Sprinkle cardamom powder on top, the Kesari or Saffron, and Ghee. I made about 3 tablespoons of grated Ghee.
  • Mix thoroughly and cook for a few minutes or until the rava kesari is cooked from the pan. Then cover and let it rest for 2 to 4 minutes.
  • Make sure you grease a mold or a round cup. Then add some rava Kesari and add to the mold. Make sure to level at the over the.
  • Then, turn the bowl upside down or transfer the mold onto a plate. Then gently shake the bowl off. Decorate the rava kesari using cashews, nuts, and.
  • Also, you can fluff the rava kesari using the help of a fork, making it soft.

Important Notes

  • Most people like using 2 1/2 cups of water for every cup of the rava. If you use more water, you must use more Ghee or sugar.
  • Many South Indians consider 1:1:2:3 cups the best ratio for sugar: Ghee: rava. In other words, 1 cup of the rava, 1 cup of Ghee, 2 cups of sugar, and 3 cups of water are employed. This is how the recipe will be made at weddings or festivals.
  • Do not decrease the amount of Ghee because it makes the rava kesari stickier.


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