Poha Recipe (Spiced Flattened Rice)

Poha Recipe in 2 different ways! Poha is a delicious and soft dish that you can make using my recipe for easy poha. Poha, also referred to as Pohe, is an easy Indian Breakfast made by flattening rice, onions, and spices as well as spices, lemon juice, and peanuts. In this blog post, I’ll demonstrate how to cook poha in less than 20 minutes.

Poha Recipe

It’s refreshing, sweet, and will surely delight you. The taste. You can serve it as is or serve it with crispy sev, freshly chopped onions, or grated coconut. If you want to make it an entire meal, you can serve the poha with plain yogurt and some salad of vegetables to accompany it.

What is Poha?

Poha is a flattened rice that is cooked in steam along with spices, onions, and spices. The term “poha” refers to the flattened rice in itself in addition to the food created with it. The rice flakes that are flattened can also be referred to as parched rice or beaten rice. They are believed as nutritious and healthy since they’re made from paddy that is processed in a minimal manner.

The rice that is flattened can be used all over India for various meals such as chivda and upma. Dosa, idli, and others. The most frequently eaten is this particular dish POHA. It is a nutritious, traditional dish widely consumed across India, And, as it turns out, it is possible to cook it.

It can be eaten as breakfast, snacks, and even as a quick meal. The food can be brought to work or school in a lunchbox.

The simple recipe does not require any additional ingredients. It is typically garnished and served with various components, including raw onions, sev, or coconut fresh.

About My Poha Recipe

One of them can be one of the Maharashtrian Kanda batata poha dishes that we often prepare as breakfast. In this recipe, Kanda means onions, and Batata means potato in Marathi. This recipe is made from potatoes and onions. It is possible to use both or take one or the other out. You can substitute potatoes for green peas.

I like using potatoes since my kids are fond of the poha they make. There are two options: boilor steamed potatoes, or you can use them raw and boil them in the skillet.

I’ve followed the second technique in this recipe. However, if you’re having difficulty getting your potatoes cooked quickly, it’s best to boil them.

The other recipe is the dadpe pohe recipe, which is more popular within this region. Konkan region. The recipe requires fresh coconut as well as is simple to cook like the first recipe. This recipe has been on my menu recently to make a change.

Another very popular variation is Indori poha, which I have not yet ready to post. The addition of fennel seeds makes it distinctive in its flavor, unlike its Maharashtrian version. It’s served similarly to raw and sev.

Poha Recipe

How to Make Poha?

  1. Remove 1 1/2 cups of poha and then add them to the large strainer, colander, or a pot or bowl. Note that in order to create poha that is not sticky, the best option is to make use of thick or medium flake. If you choose to use smaller flakes, poha, they will become soft after cleaning them.
  2. It is important to speed up this process because if you take it slow, it will result in them becoming too soft and sloppy. Wash them with clean filtering water. Remove the water entirely. Re-rinse the water and then take the water out completely. I generally rinse them twice; however, if you notice they become too soft after the first rinse, end the rinse. Set the bowl aside.
  3. In the meantime, chop 1 medium-sized onion, and chop 1 to two green chilies. Additionally, wash the curry leaves as well as the coriander leaves. Finely cut to coriander leaves. If you are planning to make potatoes, cut them into half-inch cubes. Then keep them in the water until you need them.
  4. Find out if the poha has softened by pressing a small number of flakes between the thumb of your forefinger. Use your fingertips to run it through the rice, flattened side, in order to break up any lumps that may be present. Poha will have taken in water, then softened over 5-7 minutes.

If they’re not quite still soft, you can sprinkle them with some water and then set aside until the tempering process is at its peak. Be sure that they don’t become soft. Include sugar and salt (optional). Mix well and place in a bowl.

Temper for Poha

  1. In a saucepan, heat half a tablespoon of oil. Cook the peanuts until they are golden and crispy. Put them aside to serve as garnish. The peanuts will remain crisp. It is also possible to dry roast peanuts if you like.
  2. The same pan is heated with 1 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of oil. As soon as the oil gets hot, then sprinkle 3/4 teaspoon mustard seeds and the seeds of 3/4 teaspoon cumin. Then let them smoke.
  3. Mix chopped onions with green chilies and curry leaves.
  4. Sauté until onions become pink. Suppose using potatoes. Drain the water thoroughly and then add the cubes of potatoes to the pan. Sauté for between 2 and 3 minutes.
  5. Then cover the pan, and cook at a simmer until the potatoes have tenderly cooked. If necessary, you can increase the oil.
  6. After the potatoes have been well cooked, simmer them on hot heat for about 1 or 2 minutes. Incorporate the turmeric.
  7. Mix in softened poha. Thoroughly.
  8. Then cover and heat in a low flame until the steam becomes scorching hot. Mix in between each to avoid burning. If your poha is dry, sprinkle some water on top. After cooking, it will be soft and not too mushy. Sprinkle with coriander leaves and roast peanuts.
  9. Let it cool off. Check the taste and add salt, if necessary. Include lemon juice, then cover until serving.

Serve kanda batata poha garnished by chopping finely coriander leaves as well as roasted peanuts. Also, sprinkle crushed coconut or some crunchy sev.

Pro Tips

Selecting poha using the correct kind of poha can be very crucial in this recipe. Make sure to select medium-to-thick poha and stay clear of thinner poha flakes. Thin poha flakes aren’t appropriate for making this recipe since they become mush when they are rinsed.

Try poha to test if you are new to cooking. If you are unsure, test it by rinsing a spoonful of poha under a small amount of water. Then let it drain to a complete. If they aren’t too much, then they are well-suited to use for this recipe.

If they become mushy, you can use them to create dadpe pohe (recipe 2.) instead.

Rinsing the poha; Avoid excessively rinsing or soaking the poha as they could turn to mush. I typically rinse them at least twice and then drain them completely. Keep them covered and put them aside until tempering is complete.

After cutting the onions, verify that the poha is still soft, placing a handful of flakes between the thumb and first finger. They will break easily. If they don’t, then add water. Mix it and then cover until required.

Vegetables: To ensure that it is balanced and healthy, it is possible to add a variety of chopped vegetables like carrots, peas, and capsicum. It is also possible to remove the onions and instead use smaller pieces of cabbage. Boil the cabbage in boiling water for between 2 and 3 minutes, then add similar to onions. You can use any vegetable you want to make the poha.

Toppings: Poha is usually served with freshly grated coconut, peanuts that are crunchy, the sev, or even farsan. It is delicious, even without peanuts.

Be prepared

It is possible to prepare this poha ahead of time by preparing the tempering. Then cool it down, then cover and store your entire pot or pan in the refrigerator. Once you’re ready to enjoy your poha, just clean your rice flattened and then soften them. Then add them to the tempered and mix. They can be cooked on the lowest heat. Poha is ready in a flash.

Recipe 2

How to Make Dadpe Pohe?

Dadpe pohe is prepared using almost the exact same ingredients as Kanda Poha, with the exception of one additional ingredient: coconut. The best way to enjoy it is as snacks. The poha used in this recipe does not need to be rinsed or steamed. It is steamed and eaten in its uncooked form, but it is softer. It’s delicious with the flavor of fried curry leaves and green chilies.

The recipe is created by mixing chopped onions, freshly grated coconut coriander leaves, and lemon juice. It is then mixed with poha, sugar, and salt. In order to soften the poha, small amounts of coconut water (or plain) water sprayed.

A tempering made comprising curry leaves, green chilies, peanuts, and mustard seeds is then added to the mix. The mixture is then covered so that the dadpe pohe is able to absorb a lot of the flavor from the tempering.

It’s even simpler than the original recipe. Of course, there are several variations of this. Sometimes I include little pieces of grated carrots, cucumbers, as well as tomatoes. It is the best recipe made using fresh coconut, medium poha, and fresh coconut.

Beware of using thin and excessively thick flakes. Smaller flakes can stick and form clumps. The flakes that are too thick won’t melt fast enough. This recipe can be kid safe if you do not cut down or eliminate the amount of green chilies. Below are the essential ingredients needed you need to prepare this recipe.

Ingredients (serves 3)

  • 2 cups poha (medium flakes)
  • Fresh 3/4-1/2 cup coconut grated
  • One medium-sized onion ( 1/2 cup chopped finely)
  1. 2 to 3 green chilies (chopped into pieces, then adjusted according to how you like it)
  • 1/3 cup coriander leaves (finely chopped)
  • 1 tablespoon powdered sugar (or fine sugar)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (adjust according to your taste)
  • 1 medium-sized lemon (adjust the lemon according to your preference)
  • 1 – 2 teaspoons of coconut water or plain water
  • 1/4-1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of oil (more should you need it)
  • 2 sprigs of curry leaves (torn or sliced)
  • 1 pinch hing / asafoetida
  • One to two pinches of curry
  • 1/4 cup peanuts

Instructions for Dadpe Pohe

  1. At first, I strain the poha so that the fine powdery particles will be separated easily. After that, I transfer them to an enormous plate. This is the dadpe poha with this.
  2. Include onions, coconut grated as well as salt, powdered very finely dissolved sugar, juice of a lemon, and coriander leaves.
  3. Mix them all together. The poha remains dry. Then, splash some plain or coconut water as needed. It is traditionally made using coconut water; however, plain water may be utilized. Mix it well. Set aside until it is soft. If you believe it’s too dry, add a little water. However, be careful not to pour too much; otherwise, it could turn to mush.
  4. Taste test. Make sure to add salt, sugar, or lemon juice if necessary.   Keep it covered until soft for between 5 and 10 minutes. Onions and fresh coconut release some moisture. Sprinkle more water only when needed within 10 minutes.

How to prepare it?

  1. 1. Add 1 1/2 tablespoon oil in a pot and then heat it. Once the oil is hot, Add mustard seeds, chopped green chilies, and torn curry leaves. Once the curry leaves become crispy, switch off the heat. Incorporate 1/8 teaspoon of hing and one small amount of curry powder (optional).
  2. Mix this into the poha. Make sure to cover it as soon as possible so that it is absorbed by the flavor.
  3. While you roast the peanuts, cook them in the same skillet until the peanuts are crispy and golden. It is not my preference to use the tempering because the peanuts will soften slightly after being coated. Sprinkle them on just prior to serving.

Allow the dadpe pohe to be softened to your taste. We like it a bit slightly chewy but not overly soft. If it’s not as soft, the best option is to sprinkle some coconut or water. After that, transfer the bowls to serve. Serve with peanuts that have been roasted.


What is the reason my poha seems mushy?

Using rice flakes with a thin, flat surface by over-rinsing them or incubating them can make the poha soft.

What is the reason my poha is so hard?

They won’t easily soften even after washing them a couple of times. Rehydrate them by splashing them with water, then let them dry until you need them.

Is poha healthy?

It is safe to eat as it is produced by minimally processing paddy. In order to make rice flakes flattened the paddy must be soaked for a few hours, then cooked, and then press to break up and flatten the husk. Because they’re processed using bran, the majority of the minerals are believed to remain intact.

Does flattened rice contain gluten?

Flattened rice flakes are naturally gluten-free. For a gluten-free dish, make sure to leave out the asafoetida recipe or choose an alternative that’s gluten-free.

Troubleshooting suggestions

  • These guidelines are especially helpful for people who are not from India. There are many varieties of poha on the market. They are not all the same, and frequently they’re different even though they’re from the same manufacturer. Of course, we buy everything that’s available. This troubleshooting guideline will come in useful in these situations.
  • Certain kinds of poha are too stiff, hard, and thick. They are hard after repeated rinses under running water. They may require a brief soak lasting 5 to 10 minutes or be steam-steamed for just a couple of minutes with a steamer or cooker.
  • I cook the hard brown poha for 3 mins and poha that is white for one minute in my cooking pot. The poha comes out soft and perfect without becoming too soft.
  • Sometimes, poha becomes totally mushy, even though they appear like medium-sized, thick particles. Try a teaspoonful of rice flattened and rinsed at first. If the rice is mushy, it is not a good idea to rinse. Add water slowly and mix until the poha gets damp. Put aside to soak and allow to soften.

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